Tag: Leadership Strategies/Tips
The Courage to Say No: Protecting Your Energy and Priorities
If you’re like me, you may find it hard to say no (to anyone other than your pup or toddler!). Over the past year, I’ve intentionally worked on setting boundaries, and it’s not always easy. This is why I enjoyed a recent Hidden Brain episode that supports doing just that. But first, why is saying…
Summertime Learning?
Summer is here! Get ready to explore how you can evolve, explore, ideate, and experiment to become a lifelong learner.
Everything You Need To Know About Speaking Up To Lead, Puppy Edition
Two years ago, I featured our new addition, Sadie. Since then, she has grown up a bit. You, too, may feel like you’ve grown in your role. In honor of “speaking up to lead,” let’s revisit the lessons we can learn from a pup.
When Speaking Up Goes Sideways
More than ever, we’re seeing heated debates online, whether it’s between elected officials on television or within the comment section of a news article. Widespread use of social media (and its trusty keyboard warriors) have exacerbated this issue. It’s as if, collectively, we’ve forgotten how to engage in peaceful discourse. Heightened emotions and differing opinions…
Now That Was Awkward!
Today, let’s explore navigating awkward conversations. We’ve all had them. Perhaps you need to tell a team member he talks too much during the team meeting. Or tell a customer their product will be delayed. Or remind your roommate about his annoying habit of leaving dirty dishes in the sink. Awkward conversations happen. Here are…
Breaking Free From Perfection
Hello Q2! Did your year begin full of promise, hope, and, perhaps, anxiety around, “Can I really reach that goal?” The beginning of the year is full of resolutions and vision boards all the rage, there can be a tendency to over-reach. Over-commit. And be downright impractical. Don’t get me wrong. I think goals are…
Changes: How Can You Navigate?
Lately, I’ve been noticing a lot of changes. On a recent trip to Florida, I was surprised to see three new retail stores and a coffee shop on a sleepy stretch of road previously reserved for industrial use. We visited the coffee shop twice during our visit, and found ourselves the only customers. The store…