Category: Blog

  • How to Handle Potentially Triggering Conversations

    How to Handle Potentially Triggering Conversations

    Have you ever needed to have a conversation that could trigger a strong reaction? Whether it’s delivering feedback at work or discussing a contentious topic with a friend, these situations can be challenging. Recently, I was asked for advice on this very issue. Take a look at these strategies I recommended for handling potentially triggering…

  • The Courage to Say No: Protecting Your Energy and Priorities

    The Courage to Say No: Protecting Your Energy and Priorities

    If you’re like me, you may find it hard to say no (to anyone other than your pup or toddler!). Over the past year, I’ve intentionally worked on setting boundaries, and it’s not always easy. This is why I enjoyed a recent Hidden Brain episode that supports doing just that.  But first, why is saying…

  • Feeling Cynical? Connect!

    Feeling Cynical? Connect!

    It’s easy to be cynical these days, but what’s the impact on your well-being? Here are some ways to shift your outlook.

  • Summertime Learning?

    Summertime Learning?

    Summer is here! Get ready to explore how you can evolve, explore, ideate, and experiment to become a lifelong learner.

  • Being Human: What AI Can’t Replace

    Being Human: What AI Can’t Replace

    AI is all the rage and is undeniably revolutionizing the workplace. Though it can feel a little scary or overwhelming, there’s also some good news: AI cannot replace what makes us uniquely human.

  • Everything You Need To Know About Speaking Up To Lead, Puppy Edition

    Everything You Need To Know About Speaking Up To Lead, Puppy Edition

    Two years ago, I featured our new addition, Sadie. Since then, she has grown up a bit. You, too, may feel like you’ve grown in your role. In honor of “speaking up to lead,” let’s revisit the lessons we can learn from a pup.

  • When meeting your listeners’ needs, adapt or fly the coop

    When meeting your listeners’ needs, adapt or fly the coop

    I deeply care about meeting your listeners’ needs. In fact, I’d say that knowing your audience may be the #1 most important requirement when communicating. There are a million ways to assess your audience, but a client recently shared an interesting method … “The bird is the word!” Curious?